Tauranga Moana Design Principles

A set of seven outcome-oriented design principles emerged from the foundation work of Te Aranga and other projects, including Kaitiakitanga o ngā ngahere pōhatu: Kaitiakitanga of urban settlements (2011), a report commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Innovation that builds on a growing body of research and represents the most comprehensive research completed to date. The report identifies key elements of Mātauranga Māori that can be incorporated into urban planning to allow Māori aspirations to be fulfilled, while also complementing and improving existing urban planning practices. The Principles seek to foster and guide both culturally appropriate design processes and design responses that enhance all of our appreciation of the natural, landscape and built environment. The Principles are intended as an enabling strategic foundation for iwi/hapū to adopt, customise and further develop in response to local context. The principles also provide other stakeholders and the design community with a clearer picture as to how iwi/hapū are likely to view, value and wish to participate in the design and development of the public space within their ancestral rohe. The use of the Principles is based on the development of high quality durable relationships being developed between iwi/hapū, their mandated design professionals and local and central government. Robust relationships between these groups provide opportunities for unlocking a rich store of design potential. The Tauranga Moana Design Principles have been further refined through meetings with mana whenua and it is envisaged that Iwi inputs to the Principles will be ongoing. Case studies have continued to reveal that existing mainstream urban design approaches and guidelines (e.g. New Zealand Urban Design Protocol) are insufficient in ensuring enhanced environmental outcomes for mana whenua.

The Core Māori values

Core Māori values have informed the development of earlier Māori design principles (Te Aranga Māori Design principles). These process-oriented principles have provided the foundation for, and underpin the application of, the outcome-oriented Tauranga Moana Design Principles.

  1. Rangatiratanga: The right to exercise authority and self-determination within one’s own iwi / hapū realm.
  2. Kaitiakitanga: Managing and conserving the environment as part of a reciprocal relationship, based on the Māori world view that we as humans are part of the natural world.
  3. Manaakitanga: The ethic of holistic hospitality whereby mana whenua have inherited obligations to be the best hosts they can be.
  4. Wairuatanga: The immutable spiritual connection between people and their environments.
  5. Kotahitanga: Unity, cohesion and collaboration.
  6. Whanaungatanga: A relationship through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging.
  7. Mātauranga: Māori/mana whenua knowledge and understanding.


Assigned Rangapū Members

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