Whai Wāhi
Te Rangapū would like your feedback on the following mahi.

Ara Rau Tangata
Ara Rau Tangata is a ‘WBOP Māori Growth and Planning Forum newly established in 2019’. We are a group of concerned Iwi, hapū and whānau members with various

Māori Wards
Māori wards may be established for cities and districts and Māori constituencies may be established for regions. Similar to the Māori Parliamentary seats, these Māori wards and constituencies

Community Development Match Fund
The Community Development Match Fund is about helping groups deliver new initiatives that foster strong, innovative and vibrant communities, by contributing 50% of the project costs up to

Plan Change 30 – Earthworks
Following some recent development there are concerns that the earthworks rules within the city plan are not working well. Council is reviewing the earthworks rules to understand whether