Ara Rau Tangata

Ara Rau Tangata is a ‘WBOP Māori Growth and Planning Forum newly established in 2019’. We are a group of concerned Iwi, hapū and whānau members with various experience in local / regional planning matters, Māori practitioners and existing tangata whenua representation on various Council forums.

Te Ara Rau Tangata will host a one day conference to support Māori land trusts and Māori to identify and promote how their growth and development aspirations for future generations, and contribute into the regional and local growth strategies currently being distributed for consultation e.g. Future Development Strategy, Tauranga Urban Strategy, Urban Form & Transportation, Papakainga Toolkit.

The conference is a deliberate action for Māori to participate in this significant kaupapa for our urban and rural communities.

For further information please go to our facebook page.

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