Plan Change 26 – Housing Choice

To allow Tauranga to grow up as well as out, our city plan rules need to enable more housing choice.

Right now, the rules in place for residential land make it hard for people to build more compact types of homes like duplexes and apartments – anything other than our standard standalone houses. This means we’re not using land as effectively as possible to accommodate our growth, and not supporting the development of types of homes that may better suit some people’s needs.

The plan change responds to current and upcoming national direction such as the proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development, Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement, the proposed SmartGrowth Future Development Strategy and the proposed Tauranga Urban Strategy 2050. The Plan Change also compliments a 30-year Te Papa spatial framework that has been developed in consultation with tangata whenua and stakeholders.

Draft Plan Change 26 prepared by Tauranga City Council proposes changes to the City Plan that:

  • partially addresses Tauranga City residential development capacity constraints;
  • enables a variety of housing choice through a greater range of housing typologies and site sizes across the city;
  • reduces pressure on urban expansion and associated infrastructure investment requirements by enabling more intensification of existing urban areas;
  • provides further policy guidance for higher density residential; and
  • delivers on a more compact city as outlined in the Proposed SmartGrowth Future Development Strategy and Proposed Tauranga Urban Strategy 2050.

The plan change responds to current and upcoming national direction such as the proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development, Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement, the proposed SmartGrowth Future Development Strategy and the proposed Tauranga Urban Strategy 2050. The Plan Change also compliments a 30-year Te Papa spatial framework that has been developed in consultation with tangata whenua and stakeholders.

Please refer to the document below to read the report.

Assigned Rangapū Members

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