Tauranga Moana
Tauranga Tangata

Toitū te marae o Tangaroa, Toitū te marae o Tane, Toitū te Whenua
Kia hiwa ra! Kia hiwa ra!
Nau mai, Haere mai, Whakatau mai rā!
Whakatau mai ra ki a tātou Pae Tukutuku – He Whakakakau.
No reira, Piki mai, Kake mai, Whakatau mai rā!
Tihei mauri ora!

‘Nau mai, kake mai ki te Whare Pae Tukutuku o Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana’
Tau ārai ki te pō, rātou ki a rātou, ka mōteatea ngā mahara Okioki mai rā koutou i te takapau wairua o te akeake.
E kui mā, e koro mā, e ngā iwi me ngā hapū o Tauranga Moana Te whakairo i te kupu hei mihi kia koutou, e kore e ea. I te 10th Mahuru 2020 i puta ake te whakaaro kia hanga tētahi Whare Pae Tukutuku e pā ana ki ngā mahi me ōna kōrero a Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana. Ko Te Kotahitanga te pūtaketanga kia tū te rangatiratanga mō ngā iwi me ngā hapū o Tauranga Moana.
He wā tuatahi te ara tūāpae nei hei whakakaha ake i ngā hononga kia whakahoahoa i waenga o Mana Whenua me te Kaunihera. E mihi kau ana ki ngā hunga tautōhito kua hipa kē atu me ngā reo kōrero kei konei tonu i tēnei rā e kawe ana i tēnei kaupapa tino taonga, tino whakahirahira.

Immersed in the wisdom, knowledge our sustenance, Tikanga our pathway, we pay tribute to our dearly departed for the treasurers bestowed upon us, forever remembered and always in our hearts. We acknowledge those who committed to the journey to the establishment of this entity and its website. The first of it’s kind, a great initiative for Tauranga Moana, a collective forum of Hapū & Iwi coming together to unite as one, to discuss the ever-changing impacts for our taiao, takiwā, mana whenua, to ensure the protection for the betterment and advancement of Ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Tauranga Moana.
‘Nā rātou, mā mātou, mō koutou ka puta, ka ora.’
Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki – Nā mātou Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana
Who Are We?
Ko Wai Mātou
Te Tohu me Te Pae Tukutuku (to disclose, make known, reveal, communicate, announce) o Te Rangapū o Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana.
“Rangapū” means partnership. Te Tiriti (Treaty) is like a partnership, the partnership between Pākeha and Māori that encourages us both to remain true to equality. Our partnership is between mana whenua ki Tauranga Moana and Tauranga City Council. Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana (the “Mana Whenua Partnership”) is an autonomous body made up of 17 representatives from each of the hapū and iwi in the Tauranga City Council area.
Ko te noho rangapū i waenganui i a Pākeha me Māori e akiaki nei I a rāua tahi kia tika te moho, ka pono te noho ōrite.
Click below to view more information on the various streams of mahi we are currently working on.
Iwi & Hapū we represent
Our Tohu

Nga Tai-timu, Tai-pari ō Tauranga Moana
This talks of the forever changing tides of Te Awanui. It is a representation of the movement of our moana. Reminding ourselves and ngā Pakeha that it is when the tide fills that it lifts our waka all together, as so when it ebs all our waka will drop together, so it is through movement that we must make change and just like the tides we will lift and fall together. Letting Pakeha know that when tangata whenua tides are lifting the waka of Tauranga it is not just that of Māori but it is that of all people in Tauranga.
Pānui & News

Pūtea tautoko hāpori
Pūtea tautoko hapori Community Grants Fund Community grant funding builds upon and supports community-led initiatives which help create positive change and enhance the community’s ability to meet its

2024-2034 TCC Long Term Plan!
Mahere Raeroa 2024-34 Investing in our future, making things fairer, doing the mahi. What’s the Long-term Plan?Every three years, TCC works with our communities to develop a 10-year
Engage with representatives and share your feedback on local projects and initiatives that impact tangata whenua.
Contact Us
If you would like to make contact with Te Rangapū o Tauranga Moana, please complete the form or contact your hapū/iwi representative individually using their details on the Rangapū page.